Life with Lenny

The family I never knew i wanted, but God knew I needed, Part Two

So there I was, crying out to God. Telling him if he can just show me his path I will be faithful to it. For a long time I had a desire to leave Texas where I had currently been living for almost a decade. I had moved there with my ex-husband and I felt like I needed a fresh start. With that always in the back of my mind, I thought, maybe this is something God has put on my heart? I visited Charleston, South Carolina once and fell in love. I kept telling my clients if I could move anywhere that’s where I would go. I grew up in sunny Southern California and I loved the ocean. Ending up land locked in Austin, Texas was the last thing I wanted.

I ultimately found this position that was kind of a once in a lifetime opportunity and decided to take it. Six weeks, and I was finally going to live in Charleston. Those next six weeks were a blur, I had to rent out my house, wrap up my business, say goodbye to all my friends and rehome a few pets. Not to mention find a place to live and drive halfway across country, alone.

At this time, I still had a bumble account and had connected with a few people right before I agreed to take this new position. Realizing I was moving out of state, I wasn’t looking to use it until I got to my new destination. I decided to delete the app, in the midst of having two dates lined up for the weekend ahead, forgetting that I already gave my number out to one of the guys I was supposed to meet.

Well, as fate had it, he did not forget.

It was a Friday afternoon.

“Hey, its Jared from bumble, What are your plans today?”

Oh crap….

“Hey, nothing much, I’m off today, going to the gym and then out to 6th street with my friend later. You coming?”

…. It was a joke of course, a flirtatious gesture if you will… but low and behold he said….

“Actually yeah, I have plans to be on 6th tonight”

Oh great, on the flip side, I was looking forward to meeting him in advance to Sunday while out with my friend. If I didn’t like him, I could just go to a different bar and not waste my Sunday, but if I did like him, then Sunday would be worth it.
Long story short, we met up, and we were inseparable. I think we saw each other every single day from that point on, even Jared’s roommate would poke fun at us, What are yall going to do today on the 500th day of seeing each other?

But… I had a secret. I was moving. I remember calling my mom up and telling her I met a guy and I really liked him but I was afraid to tell him i’m moving, On one hand I didn’t want to tell him too early in and he lose interest in getting to know me, on the other hand I knew if I were in his shoes, I would want to know.

On our 4th date Jared asked me to tell him something about myself that no one really knew, at this point no one really knew I was moving, so it seemed like the perfect time to spill. I spilled….
and to my surprise he gave me a response I only dreamt up to this point.
He said,

well then I’m coming with you…..

Guys, THIS IS CRAZY, I’ve only know this guy for less then a week and he wants to quit his job, uproot his life, and move halfway across country with me? WHATS THE CATCH?!?!??!?! Serial killer? Psycho path? Hopeless romantic?

Luckily, none of the above, maybe a slight hopeless romantic, but I just think when you know you know and there was something different about him.
For the sake of time, I’ll spare you the tiny, cute, fairytale details and get to the point.

I met my husband on bumble.
We were inseparable from day one.
He agreed to move halfway across the country with me within the first week of meeting.
We ended up getting married two days before we moved, 6 weeks after meeting.

So many times we dim ourselves to try to fit into someone else’s box. If I just do this, then they’ll like me.
Or worse, we let someone else’s timeline run ours. “Oh he’s not ready for a relationship yet” “He doesn’t want to get married until XYZ”

I call BULLSHIT. Life is so short, don’t let someone else call all the shots just because you don’t want to lose them. LOSE THEM. I promise you, they’re not your person if they’re not ready to jump all in with you whenever you are. You are unique and amazing and have so much to offer, if someone else doesn’t see that for all its worth. SCREW THEM

Jared and I had a lot of deep conversations throughout those six weeks as you can imagine, one of them being children. At this point in my life, after my 29th birthday I had decided I wanted kids, or maybe just a kid. I was sitting around the table at my dads best friends house and realized had they or my parents not had children, over half of us wouldn’t be sitting here visiting. I wanted that, I wanted to meet my kids spouses, I wanted to be at their weddings and graduations. I wanted to have them home for the holidays. I wanted a family.

I remember we were at a wedding for Jareds friends son. We had a talk that night, knowing my past views on never wanting children he wanted to make sure I wanted a family with him before we got married, we were eloping in 2 days. Little did I know I was already pregnant. We found out two days after moving to South Carolina, four days after getting married. I WAS SCARED TO DEATH.

On June Sixteenth, 2022 Logan June was born

My daughter, and there it was, the family I never knew I wanted, but God knew I needed.